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Culture Couture - Merging Fashion and Tradition for Sustainable Style

About the Project:

The “Culture Couture – Merging Fashion and Tradition for Sustainable Style” (COUTURE) project is dedicated to fostering sustainable fashion and job creation through the integration of traditional arts like weaving, embroidery, and knitting into modern fashion design. Partnering with universities across the West Balkans (Kosovo, Albania), Greece, and North Macedonia, the project aims to innovate fashion education by developing modules that blend traditional techniques with contemporary creativity.


Building upon the success of previous initiatives, COUTURE targets the European Commission’s priorities for sustainable growth and job creation by equipping students with unique skills that enhance their employability. Through a comprehensive training program, students will explore the theoretical foundations and practical applications of traditional arts in fashion design.

Additionally, the project will establish a web platform to disseminate knowledge and resources, making them accessible to anyone interested in sustainable fashion and cultural preservation. With a focus on education, collaboration, and innovation, COUTURE seeks to empower the next generation of fashion designers while preserving and celebrating cultural heritage.

Project Aim

–  Improve the quality of higher education in third countries not associated with the programme and enhance its relevance for the labour market and society.
–  Improve the level of competence, skills and employability potential of students in HEIs in the third countries not associated with the programme by developing new and innovative education programmes.
–  Promote inclusive education, equality, equity, non-discrimination, and the promotion of civic competences in higher education in the third countries not associated with the programme.
–  Improve the training of teachers and continuous professional development to impact the longer-term quality of the education system in the third countries not associated with the programme.

Target Groups

HEI Student

VCL Course encourages virtual exchange between Western Balkan and EU student teams solving case scenarios.

HEI Academic Staff

The trainings and short-term exchange visits planned during the project implemantation will support academic staff from Western Balkan HEIs


VCL Course encourages virtual exchange between Western Balkan and EU student teams solving case scenario

Project Facts


Project Partners